Healing Hands: The Role of Löschn Method in Manual Therapy

When it comes to treating muscle tension and pain, the Löschn Method stands out as a pioneering approach in manual therapy. This innovative method uses the renowned Graston Technique, to alleviate pain, improve function, and increase your range of motion. But what exactly is the Graston Technique, and how does it fit into the Löschn Method? Let's delve into these questions and more.

What is the Graston Technique?

The Graston Technique is a patented form of manual therapy that utilizes specially crafted stainless steel tools to perform muscle mobilizations. These tools are designed to identify areas of muscle adhesion or scar-like tissue, which can then be targeted to break up and improve the affected area. If you are experiencing swelling, the Graston Technique also aids in reducing that for soft skin injuries.

In comparison to a massage, this technique is more efficient and provides consistency when it comes to breaking up scar tissue and restrictions.

Although this method is very similar to a deep tissue massage, the Graston Technique has been found to see effective results more quickly. This is because the stainless steel tools are able to manipulate scar tissue and adhesions on a deeper level, which can often target problem areas that even a massage cannot reach.

The main benefit of this therapy is its ability to reduce pain and stiffness by eliminating restrictions in the affected area. The Graston Technique also helps improve the range of motion, enhance overall performance, and accelerate healing time. In addition, it has been found to be an effective tool in the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. Unlike other therapeutic modalities, this technique does not rely on medications or surgery which can often cause side effects.

How Does the Löschn Method Utilize the Graston Technique?

In the Löschn Method, the Graston Technique acts as a key component in our manual therapy toolbox. By identifying and addressing muscle adhesions, we can target the root cause of your discomfort rather than just treating symptoms. This allows for a more comprehensive and effective treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

What is the Best Treatment for Pain & Tension?

While there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, the Löschn Method offers an effective solution for many people struggling with tension. By combining the Graston Technique with other manual therapy methods, we're able to target tension at its source, breaking up scar tissue and adhesions that could be contributing to your discomfort.

What are the Benefits of Breaking Up Scar Tissue?

Scar tissue can limit mobility and cause pain, making it a significant obstacle in the path to recovery from injury or strain. Breaking up scar tissue can help restore range of motion, reduce pain, and speed up the healing process. It's a crucial step in rehabilitation and a core part of the Löschn Method's approach to manual therapy.

Not only does it help with pain, but for aesthetic reasons, many people find success in seeing a lightened or faded scar after going through the Löschn Method treatments. This happens by the collagen fibers realigning, reducing the appearance of the scar.

Does Breaking Up Scar Tissue Hurt?

Some discomfort can be expected when breaking up scar tissue, especially during the initial stages of treatment. This discomfort is caused when the area of scar tissue is stretched or touched, which feels like a nerve that is experiencing a burning sensation. The pain does decrease as the scar tissue continues to break up and become stretched out. 

However, a slight pain, the Löschn Method, through the use of the Graston Technique and other practices, aims to manage this discomfort effectively, ensuring you remain comfortable throughout your treatment journey.

In conclusion, the Löschn Method offers a comprehensive approach to manual therapy, utilizing effective techniques like the Graston Technique to address the root causes of your discomfort. By focusing on breaking up scar tissue and relieving tension, we're committed to helping you navigate the path to recovery. If you're dealing with conditions like lower back muscle strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, or others, the Löschn Method could be the solution you've been searching for.

Reach out to us today so we can find the perfect treatment method for you, based on what you are experiencing. Call 403-686-7242 to book now!


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