Navigating the Icy Seasons: Tips to Avoid Slips, Falls and Injuries

The winter season is here, which brings the joy of snowflakes, the beauty of frosty landscapes, and the less appealing prospect of icy sidewalks. As lovely as these cold seasons can be, navigating icy terrains can be a treacherous task. So, how do you walk without slipping on ice? How do you stay safe during winter? At Westside Chiropractic, we're here to help you navigate these icy paths safely.

1. Perfect Your Winter Walk

One key to avoiding slips on ice is all

about adopting the walking right

technique. Think of walking like a

penguin. Spread your feet out slightly to

lower your center of gravity and take

small, shuffle-like steps. Keep your hands

out of your pockets to improve balance

and always pay attention to where the ice

is on the ground. It may be hidden under

the snow so it is wise to stay alert at all


2. Choose the Right Footwear

Investing in ice-appropriate footwear can make a world of difference. Look for shoes with non-slip soles, preferably made from rubber or neoprene. Consider adding ice grips to your shoes for extra traction if you do lots of outdoor walking.

3. Shoveling Smart

Clearing your walkway is an essential winter chore, but it can also lead to injury if not done correctly. Warm up your muscles before you start to avoid any injury and use a shovel that's comfortable for your height and strength. Remember to lift the snow with your legs, not your back to reduce strain on the spine and take regular breaks to avoid overexertion.

4. Know When to Stay Indoors

When the weather gets too severe, the best way to avoid injuries is simply to stay indoors. If you must go out, try to do so during daylight hours when the ice is more visible and worn down or melting. Remember to tell someone about your plans in case something does happen while you are out in the cold.

5. Seek Help When Needed

Despite our best efforts, accidents can still happen. If you've taken a fall or strained a muscle while shoveling, it's important to seek help. At Westside Chiropractic, we pride ourselves on diagnosing and treating a range of winter-related injuries, helping you recover faster and get back on your feet.

Winter doesn't have to be synonymous with slips and falls. By following these tips, you can enjoy the beauty of the season without the fear of injury. Remember, at Westside Chiropractic, we're always here to help with any winter-related injuries, offering expert chiropractic care to soothe those winter woes.


Q: How do I avoid injuries while walking outside in winter?

A: Adopt the penguin walk, wear non-slip shoes, and pay attention to where you're stepping.

Q: How do I avoid injuries while shoveling the walk?

A: Warm up before you start, use a comfortable shovel, lift with your legs, and take regular breaks. If you feel any pain, stop and come back later if the pain subsides.

Q: When should I avoid walking outside in winter?

A: Avoid going out in severe weather conditions or when it's dark outside.

Q: When to see a chiropractor from a winter-related injury?

A: Please feel free to call us at 403-686-7242 or book an appointment online at The timely diagnosis and treatment of your injury is the key to getting better faster. We would love to help you with your problem, from a minor strain to a more severe injury.  At Westside Chiropractic we've seen it all.

Stay safe this winter, and remember, we're just a call away at Westside Chiropractic for all your chiropractic needs.


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